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giant bomb artinya

contoh kalimat "giant bomb"
  • giant bomb
  • giant:    besar; gergasi; jin; raksasa; perkasa; bagur;
  • bomb:    bom; membom; menggugurkan bom; gagal; mengebom;
  • a-bomb:    bom atom
  • bomb:    bom; membom; menggugurkan bom; gagal; mengebom; kegagalan; kecewa; jatuh; membomi; terbentur; pengeboman; memborbardir; mogok; kandas; urung; membedil; membombardir; menggagalkan
  • giant:    besar; gergasi; jin; raksasa; perkasa; bagur; bota; jumbo
  • atom bomb, atomic bomb:    bom atom
  • aerial bomb:    bom udara
  • aerosol bomb:    bom aerosol; alat penyemprot; aerosol; perecik
  • atom bomb:    bom atom
  • atomic bomb:    bom atom
  • atomic-bomb:    bom atom
  • bat bomb:    bom kelelawar
  • bath bomb:    sabun bom mandi
  • bomb calorimeter:    kalorimeter bom; bom
  • bomb gas:    gas bom
  • It doesn't mean I know how to defuse a giant bomb!
    Bukan berarti aku tahu caranya menjinakkan bom besar!
  • Just-- just say it's a giant bomb.
    pokoknya bilang itu bom raksasa.
  • Yeah, or a giant bomb.
    Yah, atau bom raksasa.
  • A giant bomb, Rigsby.
    Bom raksasa, Rigsby. Pokoknya
  • The Giant Bomb staff reports on video game news and reviews new releases.
    Laporan Staf Giant Bom berupa berita dan ulasan permainan video yang baru dirilis.
  • The Giant Bomb offices were originally in Sausalito, California, and as of June 26, 2010, they were moved to San Francisco.
    Kantor Giant Bom awalnya terletak di Sausalito, California dan pada 26 Juni, 2011 berpindah ke San Francisco.
  • The game received Best New IP from Hardcore Gamer, Best Newcomer at the Golden Joystick Awards, and Best Debut from Giant Bomb.
    Permainan ini menerima Best New IP dari Hardcore Gamer, Best Newcomer di Golden Joystick Awards, dan Best Debut dari Giant Bomb.
  • Giant Bomb is an American video game website and wiki that includes personality driven gaming videos, commentary, news and reviews, created by former GameSpot editors Jeff Gerstmann and Ryan Davis.
    Giant Bomb adalah situs permainan video Amerika dan wiki yang mencakup berita, ulasan, komentar, dan video, yang dibuat oleh mantan editor GameSpot yakni Jeff Gerstmann dan Ryan Davis bekerjasama dengan Whiskey Media.
  • The game's story also received awards at the British Academy Video Games Awards, the DICE Awards, the Game Developers Choice Awards, the Golden Joystick Awards, and the Writers Guild of America Awards, and from GameTrailers, Giant Bomb, Hardcore Gamer, and IGN.
    Cerita permainan ini juga menerima penghargaan di British Academy Video Games Awards, DICE Awards, Game Developers Choice Awards, Golden Joystick Awards, dan Writers Guild of America Awards, serta dari GameTrailers, Giant Bomb, Hardcore Gamer, dan IGN.
  • Mario is on a mission to attack Bowser castle and his army. He will be flying a plane carrying giant bomb that can crash the enemy. Help mario aim and drop the bomb at the right place to wide out Bowser army and castle.
    Mario adalah pada misi untuk menyerang Bowser kastil dan pasukannya. Dia akan terbang sebuah pesawat yang membawa bom raksasa yang dapat menyebabkan crash musuh. Membantu mario tujuan dan menjatuhkan bom di tempat yang tepat untuk lebar keluar Bowser tentara dan kastil.